Maratac Lighters & Flashlights
Maratac Peanut or Split Pea lighters are super quality and a perfect addition to anyones kit as, having an excellent seal to them, they will keep the lighter fluid from evaporating for a substantial amount of time longer than many cheaper models.
Nicknamed the Peanut Lighter as it is the same size as a peanut with its shell on this is a great addition to your personal kit. Great size for your keyring, pocket or cook kit you can put one on your car keys and forget about it - You'll always have a lighter on you.
Dead simple with very few moving parts there is very little to go wrong, simply unscrew the watertight cap and strike/rotate the flint wheel and hey presto - Fire! A great little gadget that really works, no fiddle no fuss and you know the fuel is not going to evaporate away quickly as the cap is waterproof.
•Split Pea - 1 1/4" x 1/2" (31.25mm x 12.5mm)
•Peanut - 1 7/8" x 1/2" (47mm x 12.5mm)
•Takes standard over the counter lighter fluid (not included)
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